Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS)
The Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) is an export promotion scheme run by APEDA. The scheme aims to facilitate the export of agri-products by providing assistance to exporters. It achieves its objective through the following – Financial Assistance Scheme for agri product APEDA schemes-consultants for import export
- Understanding the several challenges faced by agri-exporters.
- Acknowledging the need for assistance to successfully navigate through these challenges and achieve objectives of APEDA.
- Financial assistance is provided in three broad areas, namely: Development of Export Infrastructure, Quality Development and Market Development.
I – Development of Export Infrastructure
- Infrastructure such as pack house facilities with packing/grading lines
- Pre- cooling units with cold storages and refrigerated transportation etc.
- Cable system for handling of crops like banana
- Common infrastructure facilities
- Pre-shipment treatment facilities such as irradiation, Vapour Heat Treatment (VHT), Hot· Water Dip Treatment (HWDT) for compliance to Phyto-Sanitary requirements of importing countries
- Infrastructure for processing facilities (process food sector) for addressing missing gaps which may include equipment like X-ray, Screening, Sortex, filth / metal detector, sensors, vibrators or any new equipment or technology for food safety and quality requirements
ii) Quality Development
- Installation of quality management systems,
- Laboratory testing equipment,
- Hand held devicesfor capturing farmlevel peripheral coordinatesfortraceability systems· and testing of samples etc.
- Testing of water, soil, residues or pesticides, veterinary drugs, hormones, toxins, heavy· metal, contaminants etc.
- Implementation and Certification of quality and Food Safety Management Systems for all APEDA scheduled products.
- The assistance will be upto 50% of the total cost subject to a ceiling of Rs. 5 lakh per certification. The assistance will also be applicable for renewal of certifications
- Procuring hand-held devices including cost of software for capturing farm level peripheral coordinates for traceability systems. This will include any electronic management system, software, block chain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), or any other high precision technology
- The assistance will be up to 50% of the cost of equipment subject to a ceiling of Rs. 20 lakh per beneficiary
iii) Market Development
- Participation in International trade fairs
- Exchange of trade delegations
- Organizing buyer seller meets
- Developing packaging standards for new products and upgrading the existing standards
Component wise financial assistance
Assistance is available for creation of capital assets; integrated pack-house, purchase of insulated refrigerated transport vehicles/mobile pre-cooling unit, single or multiple products processing facilities, cold store/ warehouses, carbon dioxide generators, fumigated stores and Silos etc- APEDA schemes
Sub component | Scope | Pattern of Assistance |
Integrated Pack House and processing facilities for addressing missing gaps Facilities include equipment for collection, cleaning, washing, sorting/ grading, pre- cooling, packing, cold storage, Hand held Near-infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) instrument (on preharvesting quality evaluation of Mango Fruits), Hot water dip treatment etc. and processing facilities for addressing missing gaps | Improve compliance of Phyto-Sanitary requirements. | The assistance will be upto 40% subject to a ceiling of Rs 200 lakhs |
Purchase of insulated, reefer transport /mobile pre-cooling units including special vehicle for livestock carriers | Cold Chain Strengthening | The assistance will be up to 40% of the total cost subject to a ceiling of Rs. 200 lakhs |
Cable handling system for banana and other crops | Quality improvement of Banana and other crops. | The assistance will be up to 40% of the total cost subject to a ceiling of Rs. 200 lakhs |
Food processing facilities for addressing missing gaps required for enhancing productivity/ efficiency or quality for value added products which may include facilities like x-ray, Screening equipments, Sortex, IQF, cooking/blanching line, filth / metal detector, sensors, vibrators or any new technology or equipment for food safety and quality requirements | Enhancing productivity, efficiency, and quality for value added products | The assistance shall be up to 40% of the total cost subject to a ceiling of Rs. 200 lakhs |
Up-gradation of facilities mentioned at (a) to (d) above | Up-gradation and modernization of existing facilities of exporters to enhance the competitiveness | The assistance will be upto40% of the total cost subject to a ceiling of Rs. 200 lakhs per beneficiary per location |
Common infrastructure facilities such as Integrated Pack houses, Processing Units, Laboratories etc. to be set up by Central and State government institutions | Facilitate cluster development, improve productivity and farmers income | The assistance will be up to 90% of the approved cost subject to a ceiling of Rs. 600 lakhs. The funds shall be released against bank guarantee. |