NHB Credit Linked Back ended Schemes

Development of Commercial Horticulture through Production and Post Harvest Management of Horticulture Crops

1. Commercial Horticulture Development in open field conditions on project mode

National Horticulture Board will take up integrated commercial horticulture development projects in open field conditions on project mode , including components viz planting material, plantation, irrigation, fertigation, mechanization, precision farming, GAP etc

Crop eligible

May please see from cost norms of Open field cultivation under NHB scheme.

Pattern of assistance

Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 40% of the total project cost limited to Rs 30.00 lakh per project in general areas and @ 50% of project cost limited to Rs. 37.50 lakh in NE Region, Hilly States and scheduled areas.

Maximum Project costs allowed for subsidy calculation.

Item Cost Norms Pattern of Assistance
Commercial Horticulture Development in open field conditions, including components viz planting material, plantation, irrigation, fertigation, precision farming, GAP etc. Rs. 75.00 lakh /per project (Rs 125.00 lakh for date palm, olive and saffron) for projects covering area over 2 ha. Credit linked back ended subsidy @ 40% of project cost limited to Rs.30.00 lakh per project in general area and @ 50% of project cost limited to Rs. 37.50 lakh for NE Region, Hilly States and scheduled areas. Component-wise/crop-wise cost norms are given at table 1.1 (e). Add on component given in table 1.1(f) may be added in project mode within overall cost ceiling

Norms for Technology Add on components and other essential components of Integrated Commercial Horticulture projects

Item Description Admissible Cost
Cost of Land Admissible only if purchased newly but not before one year from date of sanction of loan Actual or up to 10 % of Eligible Project Cost (EPC) (Excluding cost of Land and Development) whichever is less subject to maximum of Rs. 50,000/- per acre
Land Development Includes cost of Land leveling, digging of pits, fencing, gates etc Actual or up to 15% of Eligible Project Cost (EPC) (Excluding cost of Land and Land Development) whichever is less subject to maximum of Rs. 50,000/- per acre
Cultivation expenses Includes cost of Planting material, cost of input (labour, fertilizer and manures, pesticides etc) As per MIDH (NHM) cost norms as given at Appendix- 1
Drip system with internal pipeline Component includes mainline, valve, backflow preventer pressure regulator, filter, tubing adapters and fittings, drip tubing, emitters and an end cap Actual or Rs. 20,000/-per acre for plant· density up to 200 plants  Actual or Rs. 25,000/- per acre for· plant density >200 plants/acre  Sprinkler @Rs. 15,000/per acre·
Irrigation infrastructure excluding micro irrigation Irrigation infrastructure like tube-well/bore well/open well, pipeline, water harvesting structure, water harvesting structure, water tank etc, admissible only if newly created with loan componen Actual or up to Rs. 50,000/- per acre for open field cultivation.  Rs. 4.00 lakh per project in case of· protected cultivation. Component – wise cost norms will be as under : 1. Tube-well – up to Rs. 2.50 lakh per unit 2. Water harvesting structure- @ Rs. 100/- CuM with use of minimum 300 microns plastic films or RCC lining. 3. Cost of non lined ponds/tanks will be 30% less. 4. Pipe line-Rs 150/- per running meter only from source (min. 4” diameter) of irrigation to production unit
Horticulture Mechanization Power/hydraulic operated machine/tools including small farms tractor with rotavator/equipments etc.  Machineries Identified· by NHB under farm mechanization component may be considered for subsidy in standalone mode Tractor (up to 20 BHP) @Rs.3.00 lakh/unit  Power Tiller below8 BHP @ Rs.1.00· lakh/unit  Power tiller 8 BHP· & Above @ Rs.1.50 lakh/unit  Tractor/Power Tiller (Below 20 BHP)· driven equipments – Land development, tillage and seed bedpreparation equipments – @ Rs.0.30 lakh per unit – Sowing, planting reaping and digging equipments – @ Rs.0.30 Lakh per unit  Plastic mulch laying machine – Rs.0.70· Lakh per unit  Self-propelled Horticulture machinery – @· Rs.2.50 lakh per unit  Other tools and equipments as per norms· as per norms of Sub Mission on Agriculture Mechanization (SMAM)
Civil Infrastructure Includes Functional Pack House/ On farm collection unit and labour quarter Functional Pack house @ Rs. 4.00 Lakh/unit with size of 9 x 6 Meter (Pro rate basis for lower size) 2. Labour Quarter/ Store room @ Rs. 20,000/- per acre maximum up to 3.00 lakh . Cost norm as per pack house
Vermi Compost unit Permanent structure and HDPE vermibed Rs.60,000/- per unit for permanent structure and Rs.10,000/- for HDPE vermibed (96 cft (12’x4’x2’ and IS 15907:2010 to be administered on prorate basis).
Certification for Good Agriculture Practice (GAP), including infrastructure Permanent structure made up of MS angles and stainless steel wire. Rs.4000/- per acre.
## Rs.4000/- per acre. VIII Support system for Grapes (trellis, telephone, bawar and other system etc   Rs. 1,50,000/- per acre
Plastic Mulching Protected Cultivation Rs.12800/- per acre and Rs.14729/- acre for hilly states
Bed Preparation Cost in the cases requiring Soil replacemen projects only in cases involving removal and replacement of top soil by red soil or cultivation is done on media/Pots/Concrete bed     Rs.100/- per Sq. m.

2. Commercial Horticulture Development in protected cover on project mode

The Board will also take up commercial horticulture development projects under protected cover on project mode including components viz planting material, plantation, irrigation, fertigation, mechanization, etc for projects having area over 2500 sq meter. In case of NE Region, projects having area over 1000 sq meter are

Activities like construction of green houses, shade net house, plastic mulching, and plastic tunnel, anti bird /hail nets etc would be promoted. Provision has been made for selecting a variety of construction material for green houses and shade nets houses. Preference will be given to using locally available material to minimize cost of construction of such structures. In case of flowers, projects will be considered only under Green House structures.

Crops eligible:

a. Flowers: Anthurium, Orchids, Rose, Lilium, Chrysanthemum, Carnation and
b. Vegetables: High value vegetables: Capsicum, Cucumber, Tomato

Pattern of assistance:

Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 50% of the total project cost limited to Rs 56.00 lakh per project as per admissible cost norms for green houses, shade net house, plastic tunnel, anti bird /hail nets & cost of planting material

3. Integrated Post Harvest Management projects

The Board will take up Integrated Post Harvest Management projects relating to Pack House, Ripening Chamber, Refer Van, Retail Outlets, Pre- cooling unit, Primary processing etc. NHB will also take up projects in component mode and for standalone projects of PHM components

Crops eligible:

In case of primary processing, projects related to Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers, Aromatic plants and Cashew are only eligible for subsidy.

Pattern of assistance:

Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 35% of the total project cost limited to Rs 50.75 lakh per project in general area and @ 50 % of project cost limited to Rs. 72.50 lakh per project in NE Region, Hilly States and Scheduled areas

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