Farmers throughout the country are getting financial assistance by the AYUSH Ministry to encourage cultivation of herbs and other medicinal plant 140 medicinal plants species have been prioriti for supporting cultivation throughout the country for which subsidy is provided to farmers, such as 75 per cent subsidy for medicinal plants which are highly endangered
Farmers throughout the country are getting financial assistance by the AYUSH Ministry to encourage cultivation of herbs and other medicinal plants, parliament was informed on Friday. Subsidy, as high as 75 per cent, is being given as part of a Centrally Sponsored Scheme.
“Under National Ayush Mission scheme, there is a component on ‘Medicinal Plants’ which is primarily aimed at supporting cultivation of herbs and medicinal plants on farmer’s land with backward linkages through establishment of nurseries for supply of quality planting material, and forward linkages for post-harvest management.”
As per scheme guidelines, the financial assistance to northeast and hill states of Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Jammu and Kashmir is provided in the ratio of 90:10, whereas in other states it is shared in the ratio of 60:40 between Central and the state government.
Under the scheme there are three components
- Ayush services
- Ayush educational services
- Medicial plant
1. ayush services
The objectives of ayush services to provide cost effective AYUSH Services, with a universal access through upgrading AYUSH Hospitals and Dispensaries, co-location of AYUSH facilities at Primary Health Centers (PHCs), Community Health Centres (CHCs) and District Hospitals (DHs) upgrading AYUSH educational institutions, State Govt. ASU&H Pharmacies, Drug Testing Laboratories and ASU & H enforcement mechanism
Establishment of AYUSH OPD Clinics in the Primary Health Centres(PHCs)
One Time grant
Up to Rs 20.00 lakhs for undertaking addition/ alteration of existing premises;furniture, fixtures, equipments, etc. subject to the condition that expenditure on addition/ alteration of existing premises will not exceed 75 per cent of the total amount.
(b) Establishment of AYUSH IPDs in Community Health Centres (CHCs)
One Time grant
Up to Rs. 30.00 lakhs for undertaking addition/ alteration of existing premises; furniture, fixtures, equipments, etc. subject to the condition that expenditure on addition/ alteration of existing premises will not exceed 75 per cent of the total sanctioned amount
Setting up of AYUSH Wings in District Hospitals
1. One Time grant
Up to Rs. 40.00 lakhs for undertaking addition/ alteration of existing premises; furniture, fixtures, equipments etc. subject to the condition that expenditure on addition/ alteration of existing premises will not exceed 75 per cent of the total amount.
2. Ayush educational services
The objective To upgrade of Government/Government Aided AYUSH UG Educational Institutions To upgrade of Government/Government Aided AYUSH PG Educational
Infrastructural development of AYUSH Under-Graduate Institutions
Pattern of assistance:
i) Construction of OPD/IPD/Teaching Departments/Library/ Laboratories/Girls’ Hostel/Boys’ Hostel, etc. Rs. 210.00 Lakhs
ii) Equipment, Furniture, and Library books Rs. 90.00 Lakhs
Infrastructural development of AYUSH Post-Graduate Institutions/add on PG Pharmacy/Para-Medical Courses
Pattern of assistance:
(i) Construction of OPD/IPD/Teaching Departments/Library/ Laboratories/Girls’ Hostel/Boys’ Hostel, etc. Rs. 280.00 Lakhs
(ii) Equipment, Furniture, Library books & Payment of stipend to students for new PGs Rs. 120.00 Lakhs
Setting up of new AYUSH educational Institutions in the States where it is not available in Government sector
(i) Construction of OPD/IPD/Teaching Departments/Library/
Laboratories/Girls’ Hostel/Boys’ Hostel, etc. Rs. 900.00 Lakhs
(ii) Equipment, Furniture, and Library books Rs. 150.00 Lakhs
3. Medicial plant
OBJECTIVES to Support cultivation of medicinal plants which is the key to integrity, quality, efficacy and safety of the AYUSH systems of medicines by integrating medicinal plants in the farming systems, offer an option of crop diversification and enhance incomes of farmers. setting up processing clusters through convergence of cultivation, warehousing, value addition and marketing and development of infrastructure for entrepreneurs to set up units in such clusters
The species for which subsidy was provided @ 20% of the cost of cultivation will now be 30% and for those species for which subsidy was provided @ ranging from 50% or 75% of cost norms as admissible during the 11th Plan period will continue to be admissible. additional species of medicinal plants and aromatic plants with medicinal value can be grouped into 30%, 50% and 75% subsidy support under the scheme.
Small Nurseries
Small nurseries would cost Rs. 6.25 lakhs per unit. The assistance will be to the extent of 100% of the cost for the Public sector / SHGs and 50% of the cost subject to a ceiling of Rs. 3.125 lakhs for the nurseries in the private sector through public sector banks. The small nurseries would produce at least 60,000 plants per year.