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Strengthening of pharmaceutical Industry


To strengthen the existing pharmaceutical clusters for their sustained growth by creating tangible assets as “common facilities”

Components of scheme

Assistance to pharmaceutical industries for common facility (APICF)

To strengthen the existing pharmaceutical clusters capacity for their sustained growth by creating common facilities

  • Pharmaceutical technology upgradation assistance scheme (PTUAS)

To facilitate micro, small medium pharma enterprise (MSMEs) of proven track record to meet national and international regulatory standards

  • Pharmaceutical & medical devices promotion & development scheme (PMPDS)

To facilitate growth and development of pharmaceutical & medical devices sectors through studies/survey reports, awareness program, creation of database and promotion of industry.


The limit of incentive will be 70% of the approved project cost or Rs 20 cr., whichever is less, as per approval of SSC. In the case of Himalayan States and States in the North East Region, the grant-in-aid would be Rs. 20 Crore per Cluster or 90% of the project cost of the Common Infrastructure Facilities (CIF), whichever is less.

Up to maximum of 5% per annum (6% in case of units owned and managed by SC/STs) of interest subvention for loan component eligible under the scheme taken to the upper limit of Rs. 10 cr. For a maximum period of 3 years on reducing balance for sanctioned loans by any scheduled commercial banks/financial institutions, both in the Public and the Private Sector. Or Credit linked Capital subsidy of 10% on loan component eligible under the scheme. Maximum limit of loan will be Rs. 10.00 crore II. At least 50% of total sanctioned loan amount has to be on components eligible under the scheme for either interest subvention or capital subsidy, for approval of SSC. III. Loan proposals availing of benefit under this scheme will not be allowed to avail of benefits under any other technology up-gradation scheme of Government of India or State Governments or any other autonomous institutions/PSUs or Boards of either Central or State Government. IV. Minimum repayment period of the loan sanctioned for availing of the benefit under the scheme shall not be less than 3 years.

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