Aim and objectives:
The aim of the scheme is to assist the private sector to establish NATUROPATHY Clinics/ Hospitals and to strengthen the existing Yoga & naturopathy Clinics/ Hospitals subsidy for yoga Clinics
The specific objectives of the Scheme are as under:
1. To encourage the private sector to establish Yoga & Naturopathy Clinics/ Hospitals
2. To strengthen the existing Naturopathy & Yoga Centres/ Hospitals for better health care facility.
3. To encourage the NGOs to provide standardized treatment facilities to the public through Yoga & Naturopathy at nominal rates.
4. To make available the Yoga and Naturopathy health care to the maximum number of people
5. To make Yoga & Naturopathy treatment affordable to the common man.
6. To derive data on the efficacy of Yoga& Naturopathy in the prevention, management of diseases and promotion of health
Eligibility Conditions:
A. For Establishing
1. The applicant Organization/ Centre/ Hospital should be under the management of a Registered Trust or Society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or any relevant Act.
2. The Managing Trust/ Society should have been registered at least three years before the date of application.
3. The Trust/ Society should have a well defined Managing Committee.
4. The Trust/ Society must furnish a resolution of the Managing Committee of the concerned Trust/ Society that it has decided to apply for grant-in-aid from CCRYN.
5. The Trust/ Society should have its own land for establishing Clinic/ Hospital.
6. The Trust/ Society shall submit a copy of the documents related to the land and/or building.
7. The land and/or building must have all necessary clearances from the concerned authorities.
B. For Running
1. The applicant Organization/ Centre/ Hospital should be under the management of a Registered Trust or Society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or any relevant Act.
2. The Managing Trust/ Society should have been registered at least three years before the date of application.
3. The Trust/ Society should have a well defined Managing Committee.
4. The Trust/ Society must furnish a resolution of the Managing Committee of the concerned Trust/ Society that it has decided to apply for grant-in-aid from CCRYN.
5. The Trust/ Society should be running the Hospital in its own land and building. The details of the minimum land and building available with the Trust/ Society should be as per the guidelines given by the Council.
6. The Trust/ Society shall submit a copy of the documents related to the land and building.
7. The land and building must have all necessary clearances from the concerned authorities.
Quantum of financial assistance (For Establishing):
Particulars | OPD | 10 bed | 20 bed | 30 bed | 50 bed | 100 bed |
One time grant | 05.00 | 10.00 | 20.00 | 30 | 50 | 80 |
The above grant shall be utilized for renovating the Yoga Hall, Treatment section, Diet Centre (30%), and procurement of furniture and fixture (20%) and Treatment Items (50%)
Quantum of financial assistance (For running):
Particulars | OPD | 10 bed | 20 bed | 30 bed | 50 bed | 100 bed |
Recurring | 04.00 | 08.00 | 15.00 | 20.00 | 25.00 | 40.00 |
Non-recurring (one time grant) | 01.00 | 02.00 | 03.00 | 04.00 | 05.00 | 08.00 |
The non-recurring grant shall be utilized for renovating the Yoga Hall, Treatment section, Diet Centre (30%), and procurement of furniture and fixture (20%), and Treatment Items (50%).
Details of Quantum of financial assistance per annum to be provided by CCRYN
(Rs. In lakhs)
Particulars | OPD | 10 bed | 20 bed | 30 bed | 50 bed | 100 bed |
Subsidy towards remuneration | 3.50 | 5.00 | 09.50 | 12.00 | 15.00 | 25.00 |
Subsidy towards Diet | NIL | 2.00 | 04.00 | 06.00 | 07.50 | 12.00 |
Contingent expenditure | 0.50 | 1.00 | 01.50 | 02.00 | 02.50 | 03.00 |
Total | 4.00 | 8.00 | 15.00 | 20.00 | 25.00 | 40.00 |