Scheme Of Providing Financial Assistance For Establishment And Running Naturopathy & Yoga Clinics / Hospital

Aim and objectives:

The aim of the scheme is to assist the private sector to establish NATUROPATHY Clinics/ Hospitals and to strengthen the existing Yoga & naturopathy Clinics/ Hospitals subsidy for yoga Clinics

The specific objectives of the Scheme are as under:

1. To encourage the private sector to establish Yoga & Naturopathy Clinics/ Hospitals

 2. To strengthen the existing Naturopathy & Yoga Centres/ Hospitals for better health care facility.

3. To encourage the NGOs to provide standardized treatment facilities to the public through Yoga & Naturopathy at nominal rates.

 4. To make available the Yoga and Naturopathy health care to the maximum number of people

5. To make Yoga & Naturopathy treatment affordable to the common man.

 6. To derive data on the efficacy of Yoga& Naturopathy in the prevention, management of diseases and promotion of health

Eligibility Conditions:

A. For Establishing

1. The applicant Organization/ Centre/ Hospital should be under the management of a Registered Trust or Society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or any relevant Act.

2. The Managing Trust/ Society should have been registered at least three years before the date of application.

 3. The Trust/ Society should have a well defined Managing Committee.

4. The Trust/ Society must furnish a resolution of the Managing Committee of the concerned Trust/ Society that it has decided to apply for grant-in-aid from CCRYN.

5. The Trust/ Society should have its own land for establishing Clinic/ Hospital.

 6. The Trust/ Society shall submit a copy of the documents related to the land and/or building.

7. The land and/or building must have all necessary clearances from the concerned authorities.

B. For Running

1. The applicant Organization/ Centre/ Hospital should be under the management of a Registered Trust or Society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or any relevant Act.

2. The Managing Trust/ Society should have been registered at least three years before the date of application.

3. The Trust/ Society should have a well defined Managing Committee.

4. The Trust/ Society must furnish a resolution of the Managing Committee of the concerned Trust/ Society that it has decided to apply for grant-in-aid from CCRYN.

5. The Trust/ Society should be running the Hospital in its own land and building. The details of the minimum land and building available with the Trust/ Society should be as per the guidelines given by the Council.

 6. The Trust/ Society shall submit a copy of the documents related to the land and building.

7. The land and building must have all necessary clearances from the concerned authorities.

Quantum of financial assistance (For Establishing):

Particulars OPD 10 bed 20 bed 30 bed 50 bed 100 bed
One time grant 05.00 10.00 20.00 30 50 80

The above grant shall be utilized for renovating the Yoga Hall, Treatment section, Diet Centre (30%), and procurement of furniture and fixture (20%) and Treatment Items (50%)

Quantum of financial assistance (For running):

Particulars OPD 10 bed 20 bed 30 bed 50 bed 100 bed
Recurring 04.00 08.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 40.00
Non-recurring (one time grant) 01.00 02.00 03.00 04.00 05.00 08.00

The non-recurring grant shall be utilized for renovating the Yoga Hall, Treatment section, Diet Centre (30%), and procurement of furniture and fixture (20%), and Treatment Items (50%).

Details of Quantum of financial assistance per annum to be provided by CCRYN                        

                                                                                                                                                                                                 (Rs. In lakhs)   

Particulars OPD 10 bed 20 bed 30 bed 50 bed 100 bed
Subsidy towards remuneration 3.50 5.00 09.50 12.00 15.00 25.00
Subsidy towards Diet NIL 2.00 04.00 06.00 07.50 12.00
Contingent expenditure 0.50 1.00 01.50 02.00 02.50 03.00
Total 4.00 8.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 40.00
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